Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fun Puzzle Find

Look what I found at Walmart last night when I was out grocery shopping. My boys LOVE puzzles, so I knew they'd be excited about these.

A color wheel puzzle-my favorite. $10


Luckily, the designer of this puzzle was very kind, and it has the names where the pieces should go!


Butterfly Life Cycle $6

The boys' were really excited about this one as we just finished memorizing a caterpillar poem in First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind.


Finally, a frog life cycle. $6 I'm saving this one for when we stufy frogs more in-depth. It's incorrectly labelled as is the actual Solar System puzzle at WM.


There were other great ones, too, and I'm sure I might have to pick them up if they're still there when my homeschooling envelope gets refilled.

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